Vikas was out today evening to meet some of his friends....
I was planning to buy a Micro SD for my father and i was getting ready to go out...i just called him up to ask if he could join me... he said he was near beach...... he asked me to join him at Windy's restaurent in beach....i hesitated but later felt like going there...suddenly it started raining heavily and i had to forego my plan.....i came back home ....after 10 mins....my cell started shouting ------"Haule Haule hojaaayega pyaar"----never mind thats my ringtone...
when i picked up the phone it was him...wen i started speaking i felt his voice shivering with fear and loads of tension...he had hit the central court Judge's car....(when the road gets wet even when u apply the breaks the bike hardly stays in your control)....i rushed there within 10 mins and on my way i was worried and thinking how to handle the situation.... both of us, with our friend's help some how managed to bear the amount.........we were lucky the driver was a real kind man at heart and spoke well with us...Later we had carrot juice in mvp(some one said that you will get a glow in your face if u drink that...he he ...yeah we are a bit conscious about our looks......lol).....and had a great time after that.......this remains as one of the sweet memories that i had with my best buddy.........thank god we did not have any trouble today..
I was planning to buy a Micro SD for my father and i was getting ready to go out...i just called him up to ask if he could join me... he said he was near beach...... he asked me to join him at Windy's restaurent in beach....i hesitated but later felt like going there...suddenly it started raining heavily and i had to forego my plan.....i came back home ....after 10 mins....my cell started shouting ------"Haule Haule hojaaayega pyaar"----never mind thats my ringtone...
when i picked up the phone it was him...wen i started speaking i felt his voice shivering with fear and loads of tension...he had hit the central court Judge's car....(when the road gets wet even when u apply the breaks the bike hardly stays in your control)....i rushed there within 10 mins and on my way i was worried and thinking how to handle the situation.... both of us, with our friend's help some how managed to bear the amount.........we were lucky the driver was a real kind man at heart and spoke well with us...Later we had carrot juice in mvp(some one said that you will get a glow in your face if u drink that...he he ...yeah we are a bit conscious about our looks......lol).....and had a great time after that.......this remains as one of the sweet memories that i had with my best buddy.........thank god we did not have any trouble today..
as said earlier dude.....it was u who first came into my mind......after i made a mess out there.....i was cmpletely blank minded...i dunno wt 2 do...bt i made my mind strong enuf.....n thought of hw 2 hand over the situation....i jus informed u n by the tym u reached me....i was confident n happy tht everythin is gonna b alryt...raa...n nt 2 mntion it lately....thnx 2 my sweet frnd divya....who helped me....m very happy 4 tht......anyways had a nys unforgettable xperience tht day......